Angerona Group

Being a lawyer formed in an international law firm and thereafter having advised in house for international banks for many years, it was not easy for me choosing to turn independent and create an autonomous trustee. Every day I praise the intellectual challenge of advising demanding international private clients and their families.

I committed myself to putting together a team of professionals with international exposure, highly educated, honest and intelligent.

Our objective is to achieve excellence in our services and long standing relations with our clients.

Patricio Martinelli

1222 S. Highway 89, Jackson 830001, Wyoming, USA


Angerona Group does not provide US tax advice. Accordingly, any discussion of US tax matters contained herein (including any attachments) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of avoiding US tax obligations.

Neither Angerona Group nor any of its officers provide US tax or legal advice. It is strongly recommended that you consult with tax / legal counsel regarding any matter in this information memo. Angerona Group is focused on citizens and residents of Latin American countries. It is strictly intended for non-USA citizens / non-USA residents and their families.